During my last break of the evening at work tonight I went for a walk out to the Esplanade Riel bridge. Which I do pretty much every day that I work. Tonight as I got to the bridge I met up with a Native American man who had a gauze bandage around his left wrist. He was coming toward me over the bridge and I noticed it just as he was beside. I blurted out, "Hey, what happened to your wrist? Why do you have the bandage on it? Did you hurt it?" He agreed and said he had burned it just a bit earlier this evening on a stove element. I told him right away that I pray for people for healing and asked if I could do that for him. He said "Sure." Asking him what level of pain he would say it was at, he said it was an 8 out of 10. I said, "Oh wow, that's pretty high." He said, "Ya it was pretty hot." Haha. I asked to place my hand lightly over his wrist and he let me. I spoke to the pain and commanded it to leave his wrist and commanded all the tissues to be healed in Jesus' name and declared, "Jesus is Lord!" I asked him how it was doing by saying, "How is it now? It's all gone right?" He said, "Ya! That's pretty crazy." I said, "See, that was Jesus. He is Lord and He is real." He asked me right away if I had any money and to his favor I actually grabbed a dollar and twenty five cents out of my laundry money today as I was craving a chocolate bar but never actually purchased it. I gave him the change. He was grateful and said, "Thank you." then started to walk away quickly. I tried to share the gospel with him more but he was in such a hurry to get out of there after that happened. I think he had a hard time processing it all. His name was Charles, I believe. Glory to Jesus!
After my shift tonight while walking out of the building I noticed one of my co-workers seated where I assume she was waiting for her ride. I had noticed in the past, as well as tonight, that she had a cane with her and never had the opportunity to approach her until this evening. I walked up to her asking why she had the cane. She informed me that she had injured her foot 10 years ago and it just never healed. I explained "I pray for people for healing and I wanted to know if you would like me to do that for you." She said she would like that with a smile on her face. After asking her name and sharing mine I found that she was only comfortable with me speaking over it, rather than touching her. I understand how some feel that way. She also informed me that it was at a constant 4 out of 10 pain level. I said "That's ok, I understand. I'll just pray over here." I stood about 5 feet from her and held out my right hand toward her foot, and while looking directly at it, I made slight waving motions with my hand as if to brush off the pain (Hehe!). I commanded all pain to leave her foot and for it to be healed in Jesus' name. She reported that it was now half better about a 2 out of 10. She let me pray one more time and she said it was much better but she could still feel it slightly there. I wanted to pray until it was gone but she said that was ok. I explained that even Jesus, the Son of God, had to pray 2 times for a blind man and explained that I thought He may have done that for our purpose to show us that we may have to persist in prayer sometimes, but she was still ok with it as it now was. I quickly shared with her that it was Jesus who healed her and that He was real and did that to show her that He was real and He wants her to know Him. That she could know Him by faith. I then asked her if she did know Him, but I think she was also having a difficult time processing what was going on. She just said she didn't want to talk religion, so I thanked her for letting me pray for her and headed on my way home. Seeds planted.
Thank You Jesus!
Grace, peace and love in Jesus Christ!
A blog for Vehement Flame Ministries, which shares the goodness of God, His vehement love, as made manifest through His children. His Kingdom is here!
Friday, August 22, 2014
"Ya! That's pretty crazy." - In Jesus - 08-21-2014
In Jesus,
Where at:
The Forks, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Posted by
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Hearing and obeying - In Jesus - August 19, 20, 2014
Yesterday morning, 19th of August, I awoke to a knock at my door. It was a contractor wanting access to my suite again. I was very tired and got up fairly grumpy. I didn't say much other than ok, sure, yep, and decided to leave my apartment without showering or going to the washroom. I was just in the flesh. I'm sure you all know what that's like. I got to the park and I decided to walk. I knew I had to go to the washroom at some point but wasn't sure how long I would make it on my walk. I thought I would be able to make it until I got back to the park. I go down a walking path that goes away from the park then back again. While on this path near the beginning of my walk, I had a very quick thought come into my mind about stopping in at this one school dorm building at a nearby university called CMU (Canadian Mennonite University) and I saw myself going in to find a washroom. I wondered briefly if that was from the Lord, and decided to kept that in mind.
As I got closer to the school I felt the need to visit the washroom coming on stronger. I passed by a porta-potty and it was as if the thought to use it was blocked from my thinking as I momentarily forgot about the CMU impression. After I passed the porta-potty I remembered the image of me going to CMU and knew it was there that I would have to stop. I was getting excited because I knew at this point God was going to do something. I past by a police station on my walk and could have easily went to the washroom there, but thought to myself, *no, I believe that was Holy Spirit telling me that I must go to CMU* so I passed that by. I crossed the street and entered the front door of the dorm. I was met by a young woman who worked there and I asked if there was a washroom. She said there were no public washrooms in this building but offered to take me to one in another building. I thought *Hmm, this must be for her* and I said "Ok." She led me to the washroom and before going in I asked if she had anything going on in her body like pain or sickness or disease. She said no. I asked "Are you sure? Nothing lingering or re-occurring?" as I knew God wanted me to pray for her. She kind of paused for a moment and asked why. I explained that I pray for people and Jesus heals them and told her He would take whatever it was she was dealing with away. I found out she was a Christian too and then asked again and she said "Well, there's always something." I assume it must have been very personal to her because she didn't want to tell me what it was specifically. I was ok with that. I said "It's ok. You don't have to tell me. God knows what it is and He will take it away." She let me lay my hand on her shoulder and pray. I commanded all infirmity and any works of the enemy to leave her, and her body to be fully healed in Jesus' name. I asked if she could feel any difference and she said "Well, there's always a lightness felt when someone prays for you." So she was familiar with that manifestation or sensation before and felt it then. I told her about how I had the impression of coming here and I think that God meant that all for her. She was encouraged. God is good!
Something I found to be funny and a real blessing from God... I went to the washroom and then noticed *Hey, there are showers in here!* haha! There were no towels though. I looked in a cupboard and found a small lonely soap bar and decided I was going to wash my hair and face and said, "Thank You Jesus!" then took off my shirt and washed my hair and face. I used paper towel to dry myself off. What a refreshment that was. It may seem silly or a small thing, but to me at that time, it was such a blessing that I believed was from the Lord. hehe. He really blesses me with the little things He does.
I continued on my walk and met up with an older gentleman named Sid and his wife S... something, I forget. She had a very strange name. I think they were from India, or possibly Pakistan. I first made note of him as he had one of those walkers with wheels and a seat. So I approached them. I found that Sid had 3 surgeries for his back and in the past there was sciatic nerve pain, but now it was just some lower back pain and his wife said pain in his gluteal muscle. I believe he said the pain was about a 3 or 4 out of 10. He let me pray and after the 3rd prayer I believe his words were "It is now better and no pain at this time." They let me share the gospel with them. They encouraged me to continue doing the good works. hehe. Jesus open their hearts and eyes to see you as Lord and the only way to life.
Today the contractors entered my suite again. I was in a much more friendly mood though. I was going over some training materials and remembered the Lord telling me last week that He wanted me to share Him with them. So I asked the Lord in my heart what they or either one of them was dealing with. I immediately felt a pain in my right arm around my elbow. I thought it was for one of them in particular, but I waited until they were both in the same area of my suite as I was and asked "Do either of you have problems with your right arm around the elbow?" To my surprise, they both said yes at the same time. Haha! And both of them had tennis elbow that would flair up from time to time. They let me pray for them individually. One believed in Jesus and the other was a self proclaimed agnostic. I got to share the gospel with him and encourage the other about stepping out to do the same things Jesus did to bring Him glory and shared with him a video of Pete Cabrera Jr growing out a man's legs. Neither of them had pain before prayer, but I know they won't any longer, and they will know it was Jesus who did it. They both thanked me for praying for them.
I am learning to hear His voice and it is exciting!
I love You Lord!
Grace, peace and love in Jesus Christ!
As I got closer to the school I felt the need to visit the washroom coming on stronger. I passed by a porta-potty and it was as if the thought to use it was blocked from my thinking as I momentarily forgot about the CMU impression. After I passed the porta-potty I remembered the image of me going to CMU and knew it was there that I would have to stop. I was getting excited because I knew at this point God was going to do something. I past by a police station on my walk and could have easily went to the washroom there, but thought to myself, *no, I believe that was Holy Spirit telling me that I must go to CMU* so I passed that by. I crossed the street and entered the front door of the dorm. I was met by a young woman who worked there and I asked if there was a washroom. She said there were no public washrooms in this building but offered to take me to one in another building. I thought *Hmm, this must be for her* and I said "Ok." She led me to the washroom and before going in I asked if she had anything going on in her body like pain or sickness or disease. She said no. I asked "Are you sure? Nothing lingering or re-occurring?" as I knew God wanted me to pray for her. She kind of paused for a moment and asked why. I explained that I pray for people and Jesus heals them and told her He would take whatever it was she was dealing with away. I found out she was a Christian too and then asked again and she said "Well, there's always something." I assume it must have been very personal to her because she didn't want to tell me what it was specifically. I was ok with that. I said "It's ok. You don't have to tell me. God knows what it is and He will take it away." She let me lay my hand on her shoulder and pray. I commanded all infirmity and any works of the enemy to leave her, and her body to be fully healed in Jesus' name. I asked if she could feel any difference and she said "Well, there's always a lightness felt when someone prays for you." So she was familiar with that manifestation or sensation before and felt it then. I told her about how I had the impression of coming here and I think that God meant that all for her. She was encouraged. God is good!
Something I found to be funny and a real blessing from God... I went to the washroom and then noticed *Hey, there are showers in here!* haha! There were no towels though. I looked in a cupboard and found a small lonely soap bar and decided I was going to wash my hair and face and said, "Thank You Jesus!" then took off my shirt and washed my hair and face. I used paper towel to dry myself off. What a refreshment that was. It may seem silly or a small thing, but to me at that time, it was such a blessing that I believed was from the Lord. hehe. He really blesses me with the little things He does.

Today the contractors entered my suite again. I was in a much more friendly mood though. I was going over some training materials and remembered the Lord telling me last week that He wanted me to share Him with them. So I asked the Lord in my heart what they or either one of them was dealing with. I immediately felt a pain in my right arm around my elbow. I thought it was for one of them in particular, but I waited until they were both in the same area of my suite as I was and asked "Do either of you have problems with your right arm around the elbow?" To my surprise, they both said yes at the same time. Haha! And both of them had tennis elbow that would flair up from time to time. They let me pray for them individually. One believed in Jesus and the other was a self proclaimed agnostic. I got to share the gospel with him and encourage the other about stepping out to do the same things Jesus did to bring Him glory and shared with him a video of Pete Cabrera Jr growing out a man's legs. Neither of them had pain before prayer, but I know they won't any longer, and they will know it was Jesus who did it. They both thanked me for praying for them.
I am learning to hear His voice and it is exciting!
I love You Lord!
Grace, peace and love in Jesus Christ!
In Jesus,
Word of Knowledge
Where at:
Assiniboine Park, 55 Pavilion Crescent, Winnipeg, MB R3P 2N6, Canada
Posted by
Sunday, August 17, 2014
"I am amazed right now" - In Jesus - 08-17-2014
After church today I stopped in at Walmart to buy some food for the week and walked past the milk and yogurt isle fairly quickly. Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw a girl with a cast or brace on one of her arms. I turned back to go down the isle and see, and met with Miranda (I think was her name). I stopped in front of her and said "Hey there. What happened to you?", pointing at her arm. Her mom rolled up behind her with a cart at this point and stood by us watching and listening. I nodded and smiled hello to her. After finding out what happened (I forget what she said to be honest, I think she said she broke it and how) I said something to the effect of "I pray for people and Jesus heals them, and wanted to know if you'd like me to pray for you." She was very open to the invitation and said sure. I asked what the pain level was at and found that it was a 6 out of 10. 10 being the worst. I asked to take her hand and she handed it to me. I spoke to her hand and commanded all pain to leave and for it to be healed in the name of Jesus. I asked her how it was doing. She was surprised and said that it was actually better and not throbbing any longer. She said it was probably about a 3 out of 10 now. I asked to pray again and took her hand once more. I thought to ask specifically where the break was and she informed me it was the metacarpals. I commanded all her metacarpals to be mended, and all pain to go once more. This time she said the pain was all gone and she could move her fingers freely. She looked at her mom with a surprised look on her face and repeated that she couldn't feel any pain any longer. Her mom seemed very indifferent. I started to share the gospel with her and her mother walked away. After my spiel, Miranda informed me that she was a believer already and was baptized. haha! She didn't stop me at all. Usually someone will nod yes to what I am saying or indicate somehow that they already know what I am saying or agree with me in some way. I found that funny. I then shared with her that she could do the same thing and why and how. She said she has heard of this kind of thing happening before but never witnessed it for herself. Her comment that I remember most was "I am amazed right now." I love seeing the Lord change someone's paradigm. Jesus You rock!
I continued through the store grabbing the rest of my items and then noticed a man up ahead with two canes and a mask on his face walking with his wife. Honestly, I was trying to avoid them because I had my hands full and wanted to get going. When I walked to the next side of the isle, they walked to the same side. haha! I gave in and asked him what was up. He said he had fibromyalgia and chemical sensitivities. I explained what I do and he welcomed the prayer right away. He let me lay hands on him and command all sickness and any spirits of infirmity to go from him in Jesus' name. He didn't see a difference at that time, but we both agreed it may be something he sees later. I shared with him how I have seen that before too. I got to talk with them in the quick lane check out line (whatever you call it). I shared with them how I had just prayed for Miranda and the Lord took her pain away. He informed me that he sees opportunities to minister to others who are dealing with the same things he is, so I prayed for him to receive the faith and grace to see others healed through his prayers. It was just before my cashier opened up so I didn't get to share too much.
Leaving the store walking through the doorway I met another man who had a brace on his wrist. After asking him what happened he said he had a fight with a trailer. I asked if I could pray for him real quick but he started to walk away from me quickly and said "Nope, I'm good."
You must know that there is so much joy in ministering to others and seeing the Lord use you to bring freedom and truth to others. I encourage you to step out and risk your own comfort. You will find that it's what you were created for.
Grace, peace and love in Jesus Christ!
I continued through the store grabbing the rest of my items and then noticed a man up ahead with two canes and a mask on his face walking with his wife. Honestly, I was trying to avoid them because I had my hands full and wanted to get going. When I walked to the next side of the isle, they walked to the same side. haha! I gave in and asked him what was up. He said he had fibromyalgia and chemical sensitivities. I explained what I do and he welcomed the prayer right away. He let me lay hands on him and command all sickness and any spirits of infirmity to go from him in Jesus' name. He didn't see a difference at that time, but we both agreed it may be something he sees later. I shared with him how I have seen that before too. I got to talk with them in the quick lane check out line (whatever you call it). I shared with them how I had just prayed for Miranda and the Lord took her pain away. He informed me that he sees opportunities to minister to others who are dealing with the same things he is, so I prayed for him to receive the faith and grace to see others healed through his prayers. It was just before my cashier opened up so I didn't get to share too much.
Leaving the store walking through the doorway I met another man who had a brace on his wrist. After asking him what happened he said he had a fight with a trailer. I asked if I could pray for him real quick but he started to walk away from me quickly and said "Nope, I'm good."
You must know that there is so much joy in ministering to others and seeing the Lord use you to bring freedom and truth to others. I encourage you to step out and risk your own comfort. You will find that it's what you were created for.
Grace, peace and love in Jesus Christ!
Broken hand,
Chemical sensitivities,
In Jesus,
Where at:
St. James Industrial, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Posted by
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Pain goes, leg grows, heart of God and truth revealed - In Jesus - 08-14-2014
This morning before I was to be leaving my apartment for the day, I thought that I heard the Holy Spirit saying to me, "I want you to share Me with them." Just before this, there was a contractor who came into the suite as he was just about ready to start the work they are doing here, then he had stepped out of the suite for a moment. That was when I felt the Lord speaking this to me. I hung around for just a little while longer and then decided it was time to go. I met with the contractor right outside my apartment door and he just happened to be leaving out the same back door of the building as I was. Imagine that! haha. I followed him out and as we were walking up the stairs to the back door I asked if he had any pain or sickness in his body. We reached the back door just then and he turned to say he had some pain in his leg from breaking it years ago. I asked him about what level he could gauge it at and found that it was at a level of 3 out of 10, with 10 being worst. I asked if I could show him something. With hesitation he said "Sure, but what are you going to do?" I said "I'll show you. Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I'm just going to put my hand here." I bent over to put my hand on his leg as he moved it closer toward me. With my hand on his leg, I spoke to the pain and said "In the name of Jesus Christ, I command all pain to leave this leg now. Tendons, muscles, bones and nerves be healed." then took my hand off his leg and stepped back. He mentioned "That's about the only thing I haven't tried, religion." I asked if there was any pain still. He said it was virtually gone. I got to share the gospel with him and explain how Jesus healed him to show that He was real and he needs to believe in Him to be saved. He seemed to be interested and said that if it comes back he'll come and see me again. His name was Alex.
During a half hour break at work today I walked out the back of the building and noticed a young Asian man sitting on a bench. I had the thought come to me about a young Asian man who I thought I knew that had committed suicide. I was about to walk past him but felt the need to go back and talk to him. I wondered if he had depression. I approached him and right off, out of habit more than anything I think, I asked if he had any pain or sickness in his body. He looked up at me and said what sounded to me like "Pain?" I said yes. He grabbed a pen from inside his backpack and handed it to me. I smiled and said "No no, pain. Like hurt, or something wrong in your body?" and made some hand gestures on my arm. He said he did not. I asked if he was healthy and he said he was. I asked him if he knew Jesus. He nodded yes. I asked "You know Him as Lord? Are you born again? Are you a Christian?" He said "Well my mother and my grandmother are. But I am not." I asked him if he knew why Jesus came to live and die on the cross then raise from the grave and he said he did not. So I shared the gospel message. He shared with me about how he didn't believe Jesus was God because he doesn't see Him. I said "Well, do you have a mind? or do you believe I have a mind?" He said "Yes." So I asked "How do you know? You can't see it, can you?" I explained further, "You know we have a mind because you see the result of that mind. You know that we think and then do things based on those thoughts. So you can tell the mind exists by the results of it being there. It's the same with Jesus. You can tell He exists by the results that He exists or by what He does. That is why I asked you about pain or sickness. If you had any, He would heal you right now and you would see that He was real." He said he had a question for me, "Do you believe in demons?" I said that I did and shared how I have even seen them before. He told me about how he believes he had seen them too. I sat there and we discussed where they came from and then I felt to ask him about if anyone ever told him that he had a shorter leg than the other. He said no. I asked him to let me check and he obliged. We found that his right leg was shorter than the left by about a quarter inch. I commanded it to grow out and it immediately shot out. He watched it all and could see that it was no longer shorter. He was quite amazed as was I. I then remembered the thought about the young Asian man who had committed suicide and asked him if he ever dealt with depression. He said that he did not initially, but then after talking a little more he admitted that he did have thoughts about killing himself and confessed that he thought life was very hard. I told him about how I had the thought about the young Asian man who had committed suicide as I walked up to him and explained that that was God speaking to me about him. Explaining that He knows him and wants him to know Him. I invited him to pray to Jesus with me for him to be forgiven, saved, born again, but he said he would do that on his own tonight when he was going to bed. He said "I must do that. I must know Him. It is time." I shared about how he might go about doing that and then he let me pray for him to command the lying spirits of depression and suicide to leave him. His name was different in Chinese but said that I could call him Larry. Glory to God!!!
On my way home from work I was approached by some Jehovah's Witnesses who had a stand setup and were sharing their 'truth'. I asked them about Isaiah 44:6 and how it is God who is saying He is the first and the last and then in Revelation 1 Jesus says to John that He is the first and the last too. They just referred me to see their web site. We got into a pretty intense discussion. They had even asked me to go, but I was able to convince them to continue with my sincerity to share the truth. Holy Spirit was all over it. I shared with them the testimony about growing out the leg and hearing from God for the young Asian man earlier in the day and asked "If those things past away with the Apostles, then why do I still hear from God and why does God still heal through me as a believer? And if you are a believer, then why aren't you doing those things?" They asked me about a number of different passages to see why I believed what I did as opposed to what they believed and almost all of them I had answers for and they couldn't say the answers were wrong. After a while, one of them stepped away and then shortly after the other two started to pack up their stand and leave. The real truth was shared today and I pray that Holy Spirit continues to breath on the words of spirit and life that flowed from my belly to their ears, because Holy Spirit lives in me and will never leave me! Glory! I left them with the question "Do you have that assurance within you that you are a child of God? or are you just following rules."
Oh ya! Don't forget SEPTEMBER 6TH, is the FREE Premiere of the new movie HOLY GHOST, by the makers of the awesome documentaries Finger of God, Furious Love and Father of Lights. It is going to be watched by 1 million people. Will you be one of them? Go here: godfilms.net/premiere and spread the word!!!
Grace, peace and love in Jesus Christ.
During a half hour break at work today I walked out the back of the building and noticed a young Asian man sitting on a bench. I had the thought come to me about a young Asian man who I thought I knew that had committed suicide. I was about to walk past him but felt the need to go back and talk to him. I wondered if he had depression. I approached him and right off, out of habit more than anything I think, I asked if he had any pain or sickness in his body. He looked up at me and said what sounded to me like "Pain?" I said yes. He grabbed a pen from inside his backpack and handed it to me. I smiled and said "No no, pain. Like hurt, or something wrong in your body?" and made some hand gestures on my arm. He said he did not. I asked if he was healthy and he said he was. I asked him if he knew Jesus. He nodded yes. I asked "You know Him as Lord? Are you born again? Are you a Christian?" He said "Well my mother and my grandmother are. But I am not." I asked him if he knew why Jesus came to live and die on the cross then raise from the grave and he said he did not. So I shared the gospel message. He shared with me about how he didn't believe Jesus was God because he doesn't see Him. I said "Well, do you have a mind? or do you believe I have a mind?" He said "Yes." So I asked "How do you know? You can't see it, can you?" I explained further, "You know we have a mind because you see the result of that mind. You know that we think and then do things based on those thoughts. So you can tell the mind exists by the results of it being there. It's the same with Jesus. You can tell He exists by the results that He exists or by what He does. That is why I asked you about pain or sickness. If you had any, He would heal you right now and you would see that He was real." He said he had a question for me, "Do you believe in demons?" I said that I did and shared how I have even seen them before. He told me about how he believes he had seen them too. I sat there and we discussed where they came from and then I felt to ask him about if anyone ever told him that he had a shorter leg than the other. He said no. I asked him to let me check and he obliged. We found that his right leg was shorter than the left by about a quarter inch. I commanded it to grow out and it immediately shot out. He watched it all and could see that it was no longer shorter. He was quite amazed as was I. I then remembered the thought about the young Asian man who had committed suicide and asked him if he ever dealt with depression. He said that he did not initially, but then after talking a little more he admitted that he did have thoughts about killing himself and confessed that he thought life was very hard. I told him about how I had the thought about the young Asian man who had committed suicide as I walked up to him and explained that that was God speaking to me about him. Explaining that He knows him and wants him to know Him. I invited him to pray to Jesus with me for him to be forgiven, saved, born again, but he said he would do that on his own tonight when he was going to bed. He said "I must do that. I must know Him. It is time." I shared about how he might go about doing that and then he let me pray for him to command the lying spirits of depression and suicide to leave him. His name was different in Chinese but said that I could call him Larry. Glory to God!!!
On my way home from work I was approached by some Jehovah's Witnesses who had a stand setup and were sharing their 'truth'. I asked them about Isaiah 44:6 and how it is God who is saying He is the first and the last and then in Revelation 1 Jesus says to John that He is the first and the last too. They just referred me to see their web site. We got into a pretty intense discussion. They had even asked me to go, but I was able to convince them to continue with my sincerity to share the truth. Holy Spirit was all over it. I shared with them the testimony about growing out the leg and hearing from God for the young Asian man earlier in the day and asked "If those things past away with the Apostles, then why do I still hear from God and why does God still heal through me as a believer? And if you are a believer, then why aren't you doing those things?" They asked me about a number of different passages to see why I believed what I did as opposed to what they believed and almost all of them I had answers for and they couldn't say the answers were wrong. After a while, one of them stepped away and then shortly after the other two started to pack up their stand and leave. The real truth was shared today and I pray that Holy Spirit continues to breath on the words of spirit and life that flowed from my belly to their ears, because Holy Spirit lives in me and will never leave me! Glory! I left them with the question "Do you have that assurance within you that you are a child of God? or are you just following rules."
Oh ya! Don't forget SEPTEMBER 6TH, is the FREE Premiere of the new movie HOLY GHOST, by the makers of the awesome documentaries Finger of God, Furious Love and Father of Lights. It is going to be watched by 1 million people. Will you be one of them? Go here: godfilms.net/premiere and spread the word!!!
Grace, peace and love in Jesus Christ.
In Jesus,
Jehovah Witnesses,
Leg Growing,
Word of Knowledge
Where at:
The Forks, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
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